

Hi, my name is Tyler. Welcome to my blog! 

Thank you for taking the time to be here. I hope this site will spotlight who I am, the work I've done, and the goals I aspire to reach. I attended the University of Arizona for my undergraduate degree. I am a proud of Wildcat and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. However, I developed a persistent urge to teach. I spent six years as a high school English teacher here in my home state of Arizona. My time in the classroom was personally and professionally transformative. I am indebted with gratitude to the colleagues who challenged me, students who showed up each day, and families that supported our school along the way.

I currently work as a student recruitment coordinator for the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. Pursuing a master's degree has been a goal of mine for several reasons. I feel grateful to the universe, my application references, and anyone who reminded me that yes, I could actually do this. I look forward to learning more about learning design and technologies through the courses and professors in this program. 


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