LDT 502 Goals

(I'm a Wildcat and Sun Devil)

Short-term goal
: Identify and research two BIPOC learning designers who contributed to the field.

Significance: Although listed as my short-term goal, this one is truly as important to me as any of the three listed. I have really enjoyed my time in the learning design and technologies program thus far. I have considered the idea of pursuing a master’s, but I did not foresee that I would be able to begin a program so soon. I left my high school teaching job to begin a role as a student recruiter at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College here at Arizona State University. One of my motivating factors for pursuing this opportunity was the ability to pursue a master’s degree, especially at a reduced cost. Simply, I do not think I would be able to be here without that tuition discount. 

I really enjoyed my most recent class, LDT 501. Our professors were incredibly communicative and tailored the class in a way that felt very meaningful. Our discussion format, assignment workload, etc. all felt effective. Additionally, my very first class was also a positive experience. That being said, I have felt disappointed that we have not learned of any Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) that have contributed to the learning design. I want to change that. I want to be able to see myself in this career field. I believe that learning about people who look like me who have made an impact in LDT would increase my confidence and excitement about identifying as a learning designer.

Allies: I believe that my current and previous LDT professors are great resources. They are clearly knowledgeable and seem eager to assist with any inquiries. Of course, I know Google is my friend as well.

Medium-term goal: Describe which learning design(s) theory/concepts I have implemented in my previous instruction and which I believe in most

Significance: As mentioned earlier, I was a high school English teacher. I worked in the classroom for six years; five spent at Marana High School and the most recent one at Cactus High School. In many ways, I felt like I stepped into my dream job. There are so many relationships that have formed over the past six years which have fundamentally shaped my life. I have learned more about myself professionally, and more importantly, personally. By the end of my tenure, I know that I became an effective teacher. Whether consciously knowing this or not, I tried many learning theories for my various classes over the years. However, not all of the learning theories and concepts that I have learned up to this point have made a ton of sense in my mind. I think I have been able to learn just enough and show an adequate mastery of the required foundational LDT concepts. However, I don’t want to just get by and pass. I aspire to complete this program with fidelity, learning valuable information that will propel me into the LDT career field.

Allies: Colleagues. If I prioritize my interactions and opportunities to collaborate with classmates, I think that I can learn a lot from each of them. I know we have a group-based assignment next week and this would be an ideal first chance. Along with classmates, again, LDT professors would be a great resource.

Long-term goal: Create an explanation of how I can market myself as a learning designer, specifically how our LDT program can complement my previous professional experience

Significance: I really valued how we focused on this question during one of the modules in my LDT 501 class. We took a slight break from the traditional assignment format to begin brainstorming how we want to market ourselves as learning designers once our program is completed. For example, we were asked to locate an online job posting that reflects an opportunity we might be interested in applying for. This helped narrow my focus a bit and was a crucial step in helping me view myself as a budding learning designer. For my long-term goal, I want to create a written explanation of how I would market myself in a job interview upon the completion of my degree. I am beginning to develop a stronger understanding of what learning design is, but I now aspire to create a personalized response for how this program coalesces with my current and previous job experience so that I am ready if/when a job interview presents itself.

Allies: Professors, of course. However, I would like to find a professional organization that is Arizona-based, or beyond which could have a mentor figure for me. This idea relates back to my short-term goal of hoping to find someone who looks like me. I remember coming across the following quote during my earlier years of teaching: “Be the person you needed when you were younger.” Although the words do evoke Pinterest vibes, the message truly touched my soul. I hope that I can find a mentor and then one day, I can repay the favor by serving as a mentor for someone else.

Reflection: I will become the first in my immediate family to earn a master’s degree. My mother took a handful of master’s classes when I was younger, but I believe she prioritized taking care of me ahead of her own academic pursuits. I am motivated to accomplish this for her. My dad took a few undergraduate classes back in the day but never completed his degree. I am motivated to accomplish this for him.

I’ve been so focused on the end goal of walking across the stage and being able to add the “M.Ed” after my last name because of the career prospects that could come as a result. I want to be able to command a salary that could create an amazing life for my family. However, I took a recent step back to remind myself that I want to genuinely learn a lot of really interesting concepts along the way. By the end of our program, I want to feel proud of the knowledge I’ve gained and confidently view myself as a learning designer ready to make an impact in the field. I believe accomplishing these three goals by the conclusion of our course will prepare me to have a successful experience in our course and as a professional learning designer.


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